ProForce Stretchmaster

ProForce Stretchmaster Description
For the ultimate leg stretch you need a super stretcher from ProForce®. Tubular steel construction gives you a sturdy base. Padded back rest and leg extensions give a comfortable workout. Simply turn the gear-driven crank and the leg holders with attached wheels allow you to stretch beyond 180°. The stop latch enables you to slowly reach and hold your maximum stretch until you are ready to crank yourself back to a normal position. Back rest folds down and the turn wheel is removable for easy storage. Additional shipping charges apply to this item due to its size and/or weight.
Boxing and Martial Arts are contact sports. Users of this equipment are subject to personal injury. These products are not warranted to protect the user from injury.
Striking an object improperly may cause injury. Do not strike any object without proper training and instruction. Wearing a mouth guard is always recommended when participating in any athletic activity.